A lot more than a Learning Management System!

Rise to the challenge of company training

Teach on Mars is a great deal more than a LMS (Learning Management System)! Discover a complete solution designed to optimise the learner experience and make the work of company training managers easier.

Teach on Mars is a powerful technological ecosystem (rapid deployment, international management, HRIS and API integration, etc.) and tailored support (onboarding, workshops, support, etc.) for maximum learner engagement. You’re going to love it!

Teach on Mars web app cross canal

Because a demo is worth a thousand words,

Book yours now with a Teach on Mars consultant !

Want to find out more about all of Teach on Mars’ learning possibilities? Fill out the form opposite!

A Teach on Mars consultant will contact you to discuss the array of possibilities our platform offers and to answer all of your questions.


Mission Center Authoring Fill the Gap

Our awards…

Fosway - Strong Performer 2021
Digital Learning Awards
classement french web 500 cinquieme edition tech francaise
Teach on Mars Cross Canal Learning App

Transform your company training courses into incredible experiences for your employees.


The best mobile experience on the market

A pioneer in mobile training, Teach on Mars is the mobile learning specialist, offering your learners a premium experience. On the subway, while sipping a coffee or between meetings, with or without an internet connection, your employees can learn at every available opportunity!

From 100% face-to-face to 100% digital: everything is possible!

Pure digital learning, face-to-face, blended learning or micro-learning – Teach on Mars can adapt to any training format. Because face-to-face is sometimes necessary, build training programmes that suit you and that match your real needs.

Addictive courses

How can you guarantee that your learners will stick to their courses? By interacting with them each day! Gamification, challenges, social learning, news threads (Wall), adaptive learning, badges and certifications…there’s a wide range of functions designed to create maximum take-up among employees of the learning tool!

Simplify the management of COMPANY TRAINING

Teach on Mars provides a back-office designed with training managers in mind. Design, enhance and track your training programmes in the blink of an eye.

Design tailored training programmes

Create excellent courses which are customised and progressive, adapted to all of your learners’ needs. Design modules with our integrated editing tool, customise and adapt courses for your learners by combining synchronous et asynchronous formats (blended learning, e-learning, micro-learning).

Enhance content

Need to enhance your training content? You’re sure to find what you’re looking for in our library, containing hundreds of pieces of off-the-shelf content: soft skills, business skills development, etc. Looking for more? Use our content curation tools or leave it up to our Curiosity AI and adaptive learning to suggest content to your learners which is suited to their interests and growth targets!

Issue certifications

Need to award certifications to your learners? No problem! This will help value their progression and monitor it either collectively or individually via the administration interface.

Manage communities

Create bonds between learners and trainers alike thanks to a number of animation tools: a news feed (Wall) with the possibility to like, share and comment, Push notifications, challenges between learners, User Generated Content, learner groups and much more…we’ve got you covered!

Monitor training programmes with ease

With help from your dedicated Customer Success Manager, analyse and improve the deployment and engagement rates of your courses. Use the integrated reporting tables (deployment, courses, progression, rankings, etc.) or effortlessly integrate your customised dashboards into your BI tool thanks to our APIs, to take advantage of all of the data and ensure efficient management of the course within your company!
Mission Center Authoring Fill the Gap

A Mobile-First learning platform

Because our smartphones follow us everywhere, Teach on Mars does too! Our mobile-first platform is designed specifically for mobile learning. In this way, your learners can access their courses wherever and whenever they want, just by reaching inside their pocket.
Teach on Mars ecosysteme

Social learning

We can learn new skills from others too. That’s why Teach on Mars integrates social functions which enable users to exchange their experience and knowledge, like a social network.
Sarah Nazir


No one likes passively trudging through theoretical, monotonous training; your teams included. Good training should be able to retain a learner’s attention and encourage them to learn in real time. Teach on Mars helps you make the entire training process fun to boost the learning curve of users.


A powerful technology, suited to large accounts, AND SMALLER ONES ALIKE.




Language management, deployment of training programmes overseas in more than 90 different countries, ensuring GDPR compliance.


Segment your training programmes by creating specific portals according to your teams, country and department and organise your training centres as you see fit.




With the Teach on Mars API, connect to your IS tools: Workday, SAP Success Factor, CSOD, TalentSoft, Salesforce, etc.


Enhance the range of functions according to your uses, using a system of add-ons (manager, coaching, product catalogue, etc.)




Teach on Mars helps you to be successful: onboarding, monitoring and support…our teams will be by your side at each stage of your project.


Teach on Mars adapts to your needs and to your visual identity for an extensive brand experience which has already attracted the largest international luxury brands.

Do you want to see how Teach on Mars works for yourself?

Already using Teach On Mars !

Auchan Bouygues Telecom

To whom is Teach On Mars directed?

Human Resource Managers

Interested in turning your company into an effective learning organisation?

Business Unit Managers

Seeking to develop your employees’ skills?

Professional Training Managers

Looking for a tool to easily design effective training programmes?

Learning Analitics

Why use Teach On Mars ?


Onboarding new employees

Make onboarding new employees easier by providing them with all the information and know-how they require.

Train your teams using agile methods

Develop your team’s skills in a flexible manner and in accordance with needs.

Make your sales force even more productive

Measure the skills of your sales force and enhance them to increase their effectiveness.

Facilitate the digital transition of your company

Use Teach on Mars to keep your teams up to speed on all the developments in your sector.

Increase your operational performance

Develop your teams’ hard skills and soft skills for greater operational performance.


The most frequently asked questions

We already have an LMS, will I have to migrate all of my training content?

Teach on Mars integrates seamlessly with most learning management systems on the market.

Why should you change LMS?

• To maximise learner engagement
• To modernise your digital training offer
• To benefit from the latest teaching innovations
• To build a training ecosystem which is more integrated with your HRIS, BI, etc.
• To meet legal training requirements (GDPR)

How can I ensure learner engagement?

The Teach on Mars platform was designed with the aim of furthering learners’ natural engagement. Our average deployment rate stands at above 65%, which means that among all our clients, more than two thirds of learners have connected to their mobile training application. Firstly, the user experience provided equals the best mobile applications on the market thanks to a specifically mobile design and content which is accessible anywhere and anytime. Next, the gamified aspect of the mobile learning method motivates learners to achieve objectives and to apply what they’ve learned. Finally, the social learning aspect, turning the application into a place for interaction and cooperation, boosts learner engagement and retention.

I already have training programmes. What will happen to them?

If you already have training programmes, you may wish to integrate them into the Teach on Mars platform. There are several possibilities open to you: allow your in-house teams to digitise your content on the Teach on Mars LCMS (Learning Content Management System) with our 20 mobile first activities, use third-party authoring tools to create your teaching activities (Adobe Captivate, Articulate, Thinglink, etc.), or entrust this task to one of our accredited partners.

As well as your existing content, you can also expand your offer with ready-to-use, off-the-shelf content designed by the best publishers (CEGOS, Skillsday, etc.), for a variety of uses: mobile, international, etc. Nothing will be lost, on the contrary.

How does TEACH ON MARS help me to tackle the challenges of the future?

Most jobs of tomorrow do not yet exist. Your employees are a constantly developing human capital. Building a learning culture is key to enabling your company to remain agile and poised to adapt to market changes, retain employees and remain attractive in the eyes of applicants.

What our clients say about us  

Aurélie VIGNE

Education and digital learning director – Asfored – Edinovo Formation

Alexandra VIMARD

International Retail Education Manager – LVMH Fragrance Brands

Raphaëlle KOCH

International Learning & Development manager – Van Cleef & Arpels

Talk about the ease of use and agility at the heart of the Teach on Mars solution.


Head of Talent Development – Klépierre 


CEO – Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque 

Mathilde PFISTER

Treatment Training Manager – Valmont 

Explain to us how the support of the teams is the strength of a project conducted with Teach on Mars.

Alexandra VIMARD

International Retail Education Manager — LVMH Fragrance Brands

Mathilde PFISTER

Treatment Training Manager — Valmont

Explain why Teach on Mars is the ideal partner for retail training.