The wait is over! The third episode of the Mars Attacks! series is due for release on 1 March. Head over to the Teach...
Improvements for 2017
To keep you updated with the latest product developments, we have produced a video on improvements made to the Teach...
Teach on Mars awarded accreditation by the Learning & Performance Institute
Teach on Mars has been awarded accreditation for 2018 by the Learning & Performance Institute for its mobile...
[Save the Date] All aboard for the second edition of the Mobile Learning Summer University
Had about enough of what feels like a winter with no end? Don't despair! Teach on Mars is here with some good news to...
Sensational landing for the Teach on Mars rocket at CES 2018
It's the single biggest Hi-Tech event of the year, and it's held in Las Vegas – just two reasons why the Consumer...
Welcome to the Teach on Mars Web Store
Teach on Mars in contention for Mooc of the Year!
It's time for the second edition of the Mooc of the Year competition, an annual event set up by My Mooc to celebrate...
New Skills Assessment feature makes automatic training course recommendations!
Because a personalised learning pathway is always more effective, the Teach on Mars mobile learning app now offers a...
A look back at 2017…
2017 was an eventful, exciting year for the Martian startup, so let’s look back at some of the highlights … February...
Teach on Mars to exhibit at Learning Technologies 2018 in London
Learning Technologies (LT) London is Europe’s largest and best-attended learning and development industry exhibition...
Teach on Mars will be exhibiting at the CES in Las Vegas !
Teach on Mars will exhibit from January 9 to 12 2018 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2018) in Las Vegas, the...
Say Cheeeeeese!
The holidays are fast approaching and we are here to put you in a festive mood. Teach on Mars is running a contest...
Mobile Learning Awards 2018, the open Mobile Learning Contest!
Do you offer training content? Do you think that your courses are among the most complete, fun and engaging on the...
Brainstorming: A new Live! activity
Among the three new educational activities released this fall, Brainstorming, only available in Live! mode, will be a...
Allianz in the Pocket, a mobile learning application geared towards sales people
At a time when Allianz is undergoing a veritable digital transformation, the group, which has more than 10,000...
Fast 50: Teach on Mars awarded the Deloitte In Extenso Revelation Prize
On Wednesday 14 November, Teach on Mars was presented with the latest in a long series of awards, this time the...
Microlearning: What are the benefits? And how can you get the best out of it?
Microlearning is a performance-driven learning method that uses learning sessions or chunks of just a few minutes...
What can mobile learning providers learn from the mobile gaming explosion?
I've got a number that should give pause to all L&D professionals out there agonizing over take-up and completion...
[COMPETITION] Throw your hat in the ring for the Mobile Learning Awards!
To mark the launch of the Marketplace, a thematic catalogue of off-the-shelf professional mobile learning programs...
#BornToFly, an inauguration ceremony for three!
A ceremony to inaugurate the new premises of start-ups Teach on Mars, Beepeers and Option Way was held on Friday 13...
Sushi Game, the new Teach on Mars mobile learning activity
Following its most recent round of fundraising in March 2017, Teach on March was able to create a dedicated Game...
Introducing our ToM 1 & ToM 5 mobile learning solutions!
To meet the changing needs of the market, and more specifically of its partners, Teach on Mars is adding to its range...
Mars Attacks! It’s training but not as we know it!
The countdown is underway to launch time for Mars Attacks! It's the latest mobile training series from Teach on Mars,...
Wall: help your learners get into the habit
After the forum feature, here is Teach on Mars' latest innovation to accentuate the app's social learning dimension:...
Sea, success and sun at the inaugural Mobile Learning Summer University!
The very first Mobile Learning Summer University was held on July 4 and 5, and it’s already clear that it will always...
Teach on Mars on the move
12 July 2017 marks a turning point in the history of Teach on Mars as the start-up moves its head office and team to...
Pocket Impulse by Demos: microlearning content designed to boost management training
Demos has teamed up with the microlearning content publisher Gymnase du Management to enhance its Pocket Impulse app....
Discourse: a first step on the road to social learning
One of the new functions featured in version 17.4 of the Teach on Mars solution is a native discussion app known...
OenoBordeaux: an app to promote Bordeaux wines around the world
The Bordeaux Wine School has launched a mobile learning app to promote the heritage and reputation of Bordeaux grape...
Asfored launches its Mobile Learning app
Keen adopters of innovation in vocational and continuing education, Asfored - Edinovo have long been convinced by the...