Accelerate your CSR strategy

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Training and awareness-raising: the driving forces behind your CSR policy

The health crisis has exposed companies to a number of human, economic and environmental challenges. Against this constantly-shifting background, increasing numbers of CSR department representatives are rising to the forefront and speaking up. But what exactly are we dealing with? Is this just the latest fad or rather a deep-rooted trend? Does it stem from a desire to recover and to (re)build a brand image, or from genuine realisation of the societal challenges which can also impact business?

Let’s begin with a short quiz: CSR stands for:
1. Community Social Responsibility
2. Corporate Sphere Responsibility
3. Corporate Social Responsibility

Answer 3! Corporate Social Responsibility refers to a company’s consideration, on a voluntary and sometimes legal basis, of the environmental, social and ethical issues surrounding their activities. This is an ambitious programme. In concrete terms, it means building a far-reaching policy which blends purely economic activities with internal interactions (employees, directors, shareholders) and external interactions (suppliers, clients, partners) and which goes beyond the boundaries of the organisation itself (society, environment, etc.), all with sustainable principles!

This is a tremendous challenge, so why are companies showing growing interest and accelerating initiatives in this area?

There are many different reasons for this:

• Firstly, there’s the legal dimension: lawmakers have enshrined in law formal environmental and ethical frameworks and this is only the beginning!
• Some organisations didn’t wait for this green light to overhaul their business models, either out of conviction or interest (e.g., mission-driven companies, B-corp, etc.)
• Others have had no choice: consumers have become very discerning when it comes to moral and environmental compliance (organic produce, zero waste, local production, respect for producers, carbon footprint and so on), labels are examined closely and organisations, brands and trade names can no longer overlook this deep-rooted trend.
• Finally, a wind of consciousness seems to be blowing, both from an individual and collective viewpoint, bringing with it a real sense of one’s actions, profession and usefulness for society!

There are certainly other sociological and economic reasons for this; we can’t discuss them all here but we’d love to have a mask-clad chat about them over a coffee!

Why is Teach on Mars addressing this issue?

Teach on Mars’ mantra is, “More Learning Moments. Better future”. Indeed, the very first (and newcomer) Martians firmly believe that training, skills development and knowledge diffusion are the most effective and sustainable ways of changing the world and making effective progress. This, in a nutshell, is the aim of the Teach on Earth association, set up two years ago.

Today, Teach on Mars clients and partners train their teams with the aim of developing their human capital and therefore their organisation. In synergy with these business-specific programmes and personal development systems, Digital Learning can be a powerful means of stimulating employees’ awareness of CSR topics.

Book me a slot to accelerate my CSR strategy!

A rich, inspiring, colourful and committed catalogue!

Teach on Mars boasts many talented content partners, who have built very comprehensive training courses on these topics. In the CSR catalogue, you’ll find numerous courses now available, including:

• Courses aimed at individual world citizens: Water, a necessity that flows without saying, Sorting and waste: become a recycling expert, Sea pollution: get ready to take action, non-motorised transport, cycling, etc.

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• Human resource-related courses: Inclusion: leveraging diversity, managing diversity, managing disability, recruiting without discriminating, Sexism in the workplace: understanding it in order to avoid it, etc.

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• Courses to help you discover or (re)discover the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): End poverty (SDG1), Health and well-being (SDG 3), Quality education (SDG 4), Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), Sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12), etc.

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Because we’re convinced we can combine our digital training expertise with our Sustainable Development convictions, we’d be delighted to discuss this with you and to provide a more detailed presentation of our approach as well as concrete feedback.

Book me a slot to discover this offer and to accelerate my CSR strategy!


[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

[Press Release] LumApps announces the acquisition of Teach on Mars, the leader in microlearning in Europe

LumApps, the B2B SaaS scale-up revolutionizing the intranet, is acquiring the French start-up Teach on Mars. Starting from December2023, the teams of Teach on Mars (50 collaborators) will join LumApps (300collaborators); and the 5 million users of the scale-up will be able to access the mobile learning solution directly from their digital workplace.