The red and white checkered rocket just made its first entry into the “2019 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems”, a multi-dimensional model used by decision-makers to understand the relative position of solutions and providers predominantly in the UK and European markets.

2019 is well and truly underway and for the crew aboard the Teach on Mars spacecraft it’s all go! Entry into the Fosway Grid is another great first for the company and a huge step forward in its ongoing international development drive. With over 20 years of experience as a human resources strategy analyst for multinational companies, Fosway has become a benchmark for market analysis. Its grid offers invaluable insights for any organization seeking to invest in learning technologies – and it now features Teach on Mars alongside other strategic players in the European and global Edtech market!
You can download a copy of the Fosway 9-Grid™ here.
David Wilson, CEO of Fosway, commented on the arrival of Teach on Mars: “Fosway is continually monitoring and analyzing the European learning solutions market, looking for innovative developments. Teach on Mars is a prime example of a company emerging from its local market in France with and innovative mobile-first solution and ideally positioned to expand its reach to the international market.”
For those interested in finding out more about the Teach on Mars vision for next-generation learning, the company hosted a seminar themed around a case study at the Learning Technologies exhibition in London. The company was privileged this year to be able to showcase contributions from Lisa Heidemanns, Chief Client Officer at Rimowa (the German manufacturer of premium luggage belonging to the LVMH group, with more than 100 stores worldwide). Lisa shared her ideas on Rimowa’s recent experience in launching a brand new mobile learning initiative for a global learner population. Taking inspiration from Rimowa’s journey, Adam Charlesworth, International Marketing Director at Teach on Mars, took to the stage to offer his insights into the complex question of mobile content strategy.

Adam has been developing and leading Corporate Universities for companies all over the world for most of the last 15 years.