Marketplace: highly topical new releases!

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Would you like to give your learners an ever expanding training offer? This month the Marketplace offers you off-the-shelf titles as well as core topics, proving once again that mobile learning is highly adaptable.

New releases on the front page

For customers who want to raise awareness of current issues, several titles may be of interest:

Regulations in the spotlight

And just for once, this month we’ve gathered together the latest releases on the Marketplace covering regulatory issues. The Teach on Mars application gives you a sneak preview through the demos of several other additions to the catalogue:

  • “Managing Interventions by Service Providers – Risk-Free!”(SkillsDay),
  • “Insurance Law Made Easy!”(Abilways),
  • “Public Contracts in Belgium Made Easy!”(Abilways).

Looking to other horizons

In this month’s final piece of news, the Marketplace is heading into international airspace with a Playlist now available in English. Any titles stand out for you? The partner publishers of the Marketplace will be happy to translate them for you on request.

Contact us at to find out how to get these titles in French or bilingual versions, on your Teach on Mars portal!

Enhance your Mission Center experience with new sorting filters 

Enhance your Mission Center experience with new sorting filters 

At Teach on Mars, we strive to offer an ever more streamlined and efficient experience on our e-learning platform. We are therefore delighted to present a new function in the Mission Center: advanced sorting filters. Available from the end of January 2025, this enhancement was designed specifically to make organising and managing your courses easier.