The third edition of Mooc of the Year is being held on January 30, 2019 at the Elyseum in Paris, and the focal point will be the awards ceremony that will showcase the best online courses of the year.
Showcasing the best digital courses
My MOOC is looking forward to holding its annual Mooc of the Year event on January 30, in partnership with Learning Technologies, Les Echos START and JDN.
As in the previous two years, the jury of the evening will reward the best online courses according to a range of criteria. This year sees the entry of two new award categories, most international training organisation and best training platform, and Teach on Mars will be entering along with one of its customers.
This year’s edition marks another new departure for the event, with Mooc of the Year hosting Innovation Village, a dedicated space which will feature several start-ups including Teach on Mars! Our iconic red and white rocket was already in the mix last year alongside the Bordeaux Wine School with its OenoBordeaux-Discovering wine MOOC, in the Best MOOC designed by a company category. This year, Teach on Mars is proud to be an official sponsor of the ceremony alongside Mooc Agency and Learning Tribes.
Would you like to attend the Mooc of the Year party? If so, register online here!
All aboard at the following address:
20 Rue Quentin-Bauchart
F-75008 Paris
Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.