On 22 November, at a thematic breakfast organized by the CEW, Teach on Mars will join representatives from QVC, MAC, DACO, Cm Smart Connect and Perfumist for a round table on issues related to the digitalization of the retail industry.
Cosmetic Executive Women
Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) is a trade organization for the cosmetics, fragrance and personal care industry. It is the world’s leading international network of beauty professionals.
When it was created in 1954, the CEW was originally intended to support women’s careers in the beauty industry; today, it welcomes all professionals in the sector by promoting career development and fulfilment for any individual or group within the community.
Digital in retail
On November 22 the CEW will bring together iconic brands from the cosmetics and beauty sector along with major players from the tech industry to discuss the topic “the new retail landscape: digital, of course, but human above all.” The panel and participants will be able to explore some of the fundamental questions that retailers are asking themselves today. Questions that are pushing them to rethink the whole organization and role of their shopfloor teams and infrastructures. Questions like : “How can we re-engineer the customer experience we offer at the point of sale?”; “What is the next game-changing tool for boosting salesperson performance and customer satisfaction?” and “Is digital the friend or the foe of the brick-and-mortar store?”.
Tiphaine Duchet, VP Operations at Teach on Mars, and in charge of the start-up’s development in the Luxury, Retail and Cosmetics sectors, will be sharing her experience and perspective on the complex but potentially magical challenge of using mobile-first digital technology to enhance and add value to the product training process.
If you wish to participate in this breakfast event, you can register using the payment form (75 €) here!
We hope to see at 8.30 am on November 22 at the Swedish Circle, 242 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.