The Mobile Learning Summer University is not only becoming the don’t-miss client event of the year, it’s also passed into legend as a defining moment in the history of Teach on Mars. The second edition took place on July 4 and 5, bringing together some forty or so Digital Learning Managers from major blue-chip corporations along with international speakers for two days of thought leadership, debate and experience-sharing.
It’s Wednesday July 4 and the location is the Beachcomber French Riviera Hotel for the official opening of the second edition of the Mobile Learning Summer University around a relaxed networking lunch beneath the radiant Riviera sunshine.
La seconde édition de l’Université d’Été du #Mobile #Learning est officiellement lancée #UEML18 #mobilelearning
— Teach on Mars FR (@TeachonMarsfr) July 4, 2018
“The second edition of the #Mobile #Learning Summer University is officially underway #MLSU18 #mobilelearning #summeruniversity”
Hello world.
In keeping with tradition, the honour of kicking off proceedings and welcoming the guests went to Vincent Desnot, CEO and Co-Founder of Teach on Mars.
“Hello World” Opening words by Vincent Desnot, Teach on Mars CEO #MLSU18 #mobilelearning #summeruniversity
— Teach on Mars EN (@teachonmarsen) July 4, 2018
For his introduction this year, Vincent chose to put the spotlight on the new features and functionalities that are coming soon to the Teach on Mars solution to reinforce the start-up’s commitment to permanent innovation and raise the bar even higher on the excellence of its learner experience.

Sketchnote of Vincent Desnot’s “Welcome to the Mobile Learning Summer University” opening keynote (by Estelle Routier, Creative Director at Teach on Mars)
“HR trends and training reform in France: the implications for digital learning” was the highly topical theme of the first round-table discussion, moderated by Jérôme Wargnier, Head of Education at Teach on Mars. Aïda Diab, Director of Asfored and Michel Barbier, Head of the HR Innovation Cell at SNCF joined Jérôme on stage to offer their insights into what recent workplace legislation reform in France will really mean in practice for the L&D profession, and share their own experience around the question.

Sketchnote of the “HR trends and training reform” round-table moderated by Jérôme Wargnier (drawn by Estelle Routier, Creative Director at Teach on Mars)
Next came a brand new innovation for 2018, with Teach on Mars choosing to internationalise the appeal of the event by inviting English-speaking keynote speakers. As a first taste, the delegates were treated to an inspiring talk from Tony Small, Managing Director of consultancy Inova, on what’s hot and what’s not in Learning and Development across the Channel in the UK, leading to a lively debate on some of the key differences with the industry in France.
In a change of pace and tone, the assembled throng were then told it was Time To Play! For that was the name coined for a highly interactive collaborative video workshop where participants were split into teams and had 45 minutes to produce a 2-minute promotional film for their very own imaginary mobile learning app! The result? Impressive teamwork, some surprisingly committed and accomplished acting, and more than a touch of madness and hilarity!
Finally, to round off this first day in fine style, participants and Martian staffers alike congregated in front of the sunset on the magnificent Keller Beach at Cap d’Antibes. Time for everyone to catch their breath, reflect on the learnings and experiences of the day and enjoy quality company over dinner in one of the Côte d’Azur’s most iconic locations.
How Artificial Intelligence and Content Curation may change learning in the future
Wednesday July 5, 9am. Split into sub-groups, the participants embark on an action-packed morning of highly participative workshops, using a practical, hands-on approach to tackle three on-point topics. It was a busy morning, to say the least! They applied storytelling techniques and tools to instructional design and adapted them to the learning cycle and learner profiles. They designed and presented the mobile learning feature of their dreams. And they brainstormed on the job description and responsibilities of the ideal Digital Learning Manager of the future. And that was all before lunchtime!
After a delicious open-air barbecue, the final half-day got underway back in the plenary room with a presentation from Oscar Rodriguez Rocha, Research Engineer at Inria (the French National Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research). Interviewed by Vincent Desnot, Oscar gave the participants a fascinating glimpse into what artificial intelligence technology will be able to offer the learning industry in the future. And you’ll soon be able to revisit the questions Oscar raised yourselves, as a video of his keynote is scheduled to a be published in the near future on the Teach on Mars mobile learning blog.

Sketchnote of Oscar Rodriguez Rocha’s presentation “Learning in the AI age” (by Estelle Routier, Creative Director at Teach on Mars)
For the final keynote and round-table, Teach on Mars wanted to introduce the critical topic of how to build an optimized digital learning content strategy. Who better to turn to then to kick off this session than Stephen Walsh, Co-Founder and CEO of Anders Pink. one of the world leaders in the rapidly-developing field of content curation. Stephen explained how the challenges, habits and preferences of modern learners are changing, and how content curation (among other offers) is helping the L&D profession to respond to this new environment.

Sketchnote of the “Digital Learning Content Strategies” keynote and round-table led by Stephen Walsh (drawn by Estelle Routier, Creative Director at Teach on Mars)
And because the Summer University is all about Teach on Mars clients, there were frequent interview sequences alternating with the keynotes, round-tables and workshops throughout the two days. These were the opportunity for clients such as Acqua di Parma, Orange, BPCE Group, Klépierre and many others to share the stories of their mobile learning adventures with the group.
The whole Teach on Mars team would like to thank every client and contributor for all they did to make this second edition of the Mobile Learning Summer University such an enjoyable and rewarding event. We look forward to seeing you again next year!
If you were a participant in this year’s Summer University, you will find summaries of all the keynotes and workshops on the Teach on Mars application, which is available for download on App Store and Google Play.
2018 Edition participant testimonials
Watch this space in future newsletters for summaries of the content of some of the headline keynotes from this year’s event:
- “The View From Across The Channel: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the UK”
- “Non-linear Learning Experiences: Learning in the AI Age”
- “Bespoke, Off-The-Shelf or Content Curation? Building a Digital Learning Strategy That Rocks”

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.