Vincent Desnot, Co-founder and CEO of Teach on Mars, recently appeared on “Good Morning Business”, the mainstay of the morning schedule of BFM Business, France’s premier business TV channel. Every morning, presenter Stéphane Soumier kicks the day into motion through a series of interviews with the movers and shakers of the French economy, and on Wednesday 28 March it was the turn of Vincent and Teach on Mars in the spotlight.
Vincent looked back over his career in the digital learning sector, and shared the story of the fateful Transatlantic catamaran voyage which eventually led him to the NASA Museum in Cape Canaveral, Florida, where a period poster gave him the inspiration for the iconic Teach on Mars company name.
The interview also gave Vincent the opportunity to stress the key challenges of the mobile learning phenomenon and underline the expertise of Teach on Mars. A strong position of clear conviction that can be summarised in three core messages:
- If you want your digital learning solution to really fly, it has to be “mobile first”
- Mobile delivery is the backbone of a modern learning solution, and provides a consistent, end-to-end link across the whole of the development cycle.
- Never forget that in “mobile learning” it’s the learner who is mobile, not the learning.

Cornélia a enfilé sa tenue de cosmonaute en 2017 en rejoignant Teach on Mars. Elle a d’abord dédié 5 années à accompagner les clients en tant que Customer Success Manager. Elle a ensuite pris une nouvelle trajectoire en pilotant les projets de communication et de marketing avec une ambition constante : explorer la galaxie pour renforcer la réputation de l’entreprise et soutenir son développement. Animée par une approche centrée sur le client, Cornélia contribue à renforcer les relations durables, la satisfaction des clients et à soutenir la croissance de l’entreprise.