A ceremony to inaugurate the new premises of start-ups Teach on Mars, Beepeers and Option Way was held on Friday 13 October.
Join landing in July
As you already know, Teach on Mars moved home in July 2017. Accompanied by two other start-ups, Option Way and Beepeers, also from the Business Pôle incubator, the Teach on Mars rocket blasted off for its new home at 399 Route des Crêtes. Once safely landed at their new base, the three companies set about moving in to a shared space measuring 1400 m².
Inauguration of a start-up cluster
Last Friday, the three start-ups officially inaugurated their new premises and celebrated new lives under the same roof with the Sophia-Antipolis community and local politicians. The ribbon was cut by Jean Leonetti, Mayor of Antibes and President of CASA (Sophia-Antipolis Metropolitan Council), accompanied by Alpes-Maritimes Senator and former mayor of Valbonne Marc Daunis and Philippe Pradal, Deputy Mayor of Nice.
The festivities continued through the evening around a delicious buffet, with many guests in attendance and performances by groups of musicians.
Left to right: Vincent Desnot (Teach on Mars CEO), Marc Daunis, Philippe Pradal, Jean Leonetti, Alain Prette (Beepeers CEO), Mathieu Chauvin – (Option Way CEO), Nicolas Helin – (Option Way COO), Jean-Marie Audolie (CASA Business Pôle Director).
Tanguy Deleplanque, Vincent Desnot and Quentin Derunes, the three cofounders of Teach on Mars.
For our intrepid start-uppers, this openspace – known as “Born To Fly” – will be much more than just a place to work. It will be a meeting point for discussion, collaboration and creativity. And this is what makes it special, supported by design features to promote employee wellbeing and the future growth of everyone.
We wish all three start-ups a successful voyage, both on earth, in the skies and even outer space…
What they said about the #BornToFly event on social media…
Inauguration des locaux communs de @socialbeepeers @TeachonMarsfr @OptionWay à #Sophia with @JeanLeonetti et @p_pradal pic.twitter.com/kj61Q14jtm
— Tribune Côte d'Azur (@Tribuca) October 13, 2017
“Inauguration of common of @socialbeepeers @TeachonMarsfr @OptionWay premises in #Sophia with JeanLeonetti and p_pradal”
Inauguration @sophia beepeers , option Way et Teach on Mars ! Bravo ! pic.twitter.com/Sbfujc4To2
— French Tech CdA (@FrenchTechCdA) October 13, 2017
“Inauguration @sophia Beepeers, Option Way and Teach on Mars ! Bravo !”
Incubés au @BusinessPole , @socialbeepeers @TeachonMarsfr @OptionWay inaugurent leur siège commun à Sophia Antipolis, avec @JeanLeonetti pic.twitter.com/WK5hj08j7r
— CASA – Officiel (@CASAOfficiel) October 13, 2017
“Incubated @BusinessPole, @socialbeepeers @TeachonMarsfr @OptionWay are inaugurating their common premises in Sophia Antipolis with @JeanLeonetti”
A l’inauguration des nouveaux locaux de Teach on Mars, Beepeers & Option Way #bornToFly @AlainPrette @CCIcotedazur pic.twitter.com/cqObWi0q9H
— NEFFATI Ferjani (@FerjaniNEFFATI) October 13, 2017
“At the inauguration of theTeach on Mars, Beepeers & Option Way new premises #bornToFly”
Bravo et longue route à nos membres @socialbeepeers @OptionWay et @TeachonMarsfr ! https://t.co/u5Zwm4Y3k4
— Pole SCS (@Pole_SCS) October 16, 2017
“Bravo and good luck to our members @socialbeepeers @OptionWay and @TeachonMarsfr !”
…et dans la presse
Nice Matin, 17/10/2017
“Teach on Mars, Option Way and Beepeers move to the same address”
WebTimeMedias, 17/10/2017
Sophia : “Teach on Mars, Option Way and Beepeers inaugurate their shared space”

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.