Demos has teamed up with the microlearning content publisher Gymnase du Management to enhance its Pocket Impulse app. Comprehensive and ideally tailored to business needs, it offers native microlearning applications powered by Teach on Mars technology.
It all started back in 2015… in September of that year, Demos and Teach on Mars signed a partnership agreement to design digital training solutions for the corporate market. Subsequently, a contract was signed with Gymnase du Management to create management training content within the app.
Gymnase du Management training content
These courses are available in both French and English and are designed specifically for the critical corporate manager population. Modules are crafted to take no longer than 15 minutes, and feature videos, quizes and case studies accessible both online and offline, all of which fosters and facilitates learner involvement. By encouraging learners to use their faculties of thinking and deduction through fun activities that can be practised anywhere and anytime, Pocket Impulse is proving to be a genuinely effective tool to reinforce knowledge acquisition.
“Customers have tried it and adopted it immediately,” explains Jean-Christophe Mazoyer, CTO at Demos. In fact, Pocket Impulse’s content is proving to be so appealing that Teach on Mars’ customers are naturally looking to their partner Demos to create training content for them.
Demos taking the Chinese market by storm with Pocket Impulse
In 2016, Demos hitched its strategic learning know-how to the power of the Weidong Group, China’s leading Internet education organisation, with the goal of becoming a world leader in the training sector.
As a first step, Demos has started creating content for the Chinese market by deploying its Pocket Impulse app, with its interface and course content fully translated and localised for Chinese audiences.
Chinese Pocket Impulse app
“We have currently showcasing the solution on the road at various trade shows and our ambition is to make a major entry into the Chinese market”, says Jean-Christophe Mazoyer. Our credo – in fact the goal of both the Demos and Weidong groups – is to make learning and education accessible to as many people as possible throughout the world: and that is precisely the Teach on Mars philosophy too.
The “Pocket Impulse” app is available on iOS and Android.
If you want to find out more about the training content, click here!

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.