Mars is there, waiting to be reached. Buzz Aldrin.
And mobile learning is there, reaching for the sky!
Infographics below clearly demonstrate that mobile devices nowadays contribute to everyone’s lives! And more and more in one’s professional environment.
And indeed! Everyday more businesses realize their collaborators’ fast increasing skills together with substantial reduction in their training costs since mobile learning has become part of their training strategy.
Have a look and learn by yourself!
Mobile devices swamp the planet!
What’s your favorite spot for training on your smartphone? Have a look at the top learning points!
Organizations realize tangible benefits with mobile learning!
Source: Brillant or Insane, Education on the Edge

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.