Videos filmed with a phone held vertically ending up on You Tube, framed by two unsightly black bars: the Vertical Video Syndrome, VVS!
For several years, the authors of these inappropriate horizontal format videos have been considered at best thoughtless, at worst ignorant. However, the vertical videos are doing the heyday of Snapchat and Twitter, and may well announce the future of mobile learning!
Vertical Video Syndrome: a humorous phrase coined in the early 2010s to designate vertically shot videos, usually inadvertently and/or awkwardly, posted on sharing sites. The result is actually much aesthetic, like old movies framed by huge black bands. In 2012, a famous VVS clip has attracted millions of views.
Three years later, things have changed. VVS mockery was overlooking the rapid development of smartphones and broadband internet, amplified by an explosion of global mobile traffic by 69% in 2014. The videos shot on mobile no longer necessarily end up on You Tube, but remain mobile and are shared, where VVS are tailored for. With seductive economic stakes for mobile applications, and clear prospects for mobile learning…
Vertical video applied to mobile learning?
Vertical video is now a reality on smartphones thanks to several sharing applications, including the famous Snapchat. While most smartphones have rotating screens, the simple fact of having to turn the screen in horizontal mode often worries users: on Snapchat, vertical videos have nine times more complete views than their horizontal contestant.
Already heavily used by most successful companies, mobile learning integrates the best technologies applied to the smartphone format, in order to deliver as quickly and effectively as possible a clear and concise training to learners, anywhere and any time. In this context, vertical video has a great potential utility for mobile learning, fond of pictures, diagrams and instructional videos!
VVS, prerogative of Sunday smartphone users, unable to correctly film their weekend adventures? This is the past! In the ultra-pragmatic perspective of mobile learning, vertical video holds a key place in the corporate training strategy!

Diplômée d’école de commerce et passionnée par les innovations du numérique, Noémie a enfilé son scaphandre et rejoint l’équipe Teach on Mars au poste de Content Manager. Elle intervient en marketing et événementiel tout en contribuant à Teach on Earth, une initiative sociale et environnementale.